Religious Education at Meols Cop High School is a rigorous academic subject. Our Religious Education provision enables students to respond to personal, spiritual and moral questions that face us all as human beings. The department aims to engender mutual tolerance, understanding, openness and an appreciation of diversity. Our subject deals with the deeper issues of life and helps students to become more adept at independent thinking and encourages them to think critically, creatively and with sensitivity. As such it has a fundamental role to play in creating rounded students who will be part of future societies.
Good Religious Education at Meols Cop School should never seek to proselytise, preach or indoctrinate and nobody should teach in a way giving unbalanced, biased views to the students.
Subject Leader: Mr A Norcross
Teachers: Miss Johnson, Mrs N Ford
Mission Statement
Our R.E. curriculum cultivates religious literacy through an effective spiral curriculum that builds cognitive pathways and associations. It allows pupils to acquire and develop knowledge and understanding of a variety of religions and world views represented in the United Kingdom. It develops an understanding of the influence of the beliefs, values and traditions on individuals, our locality and other communities, societies and cultures and how these impacts on our daily life. It equips pupils with essential skills for life and promotes spiritual, cultural, social and moral development and encourages pupils to value all life and take responsibility for themselves and others. It enables pupils to become well rounded global citizens with an appreciation of the vast range of cultural differences in the world. |
Here are a few things you might want to know:
Why do I study Religious Education if i am not religious?
RE is a way that we can study and gain an understanding of peoples belief's (religious or non religious), worldviews and to gain a deeper understanding of our own world views. It allows us to develop skills used by sociologists, historians, psychologists, theologians, philosophers and others. Showing that you are aware of cultures and beliefs that are different from your own allows future colleges and employers to see that you have a wider understanding of the world around you, making you more employable.
Click here to view the RE Legacy Curriculum Map
Click here to view the RE Curriculum Map (from September 2022)
RE curriculum at Meols Cop High School complies with the Equality Act 2010, the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014 and is accessible for pupil with SEND. Click here to view the SEND Policy.
Updated September 2022