Policies and Procedures

Policies are reviewed and approved by the school's Governing Body and Southport Learning Trust annually (review dates may differ depending on the policy). To access the policy documents, please click below. For any further information, please email: enquiries@meolscop.co.uk 


Sefton Admissions Policy 2023-24.pdf .pdf
Accessibility Policy 2021-24.pdf .pdf
Anti-bullying Policy.pdf .pdf
Attendance Policy September 2022.pdf .pdf
Behaviour Processes .pdf .pdf
Behaviour for Learning Policy.pdf .pdf
BioMetric Guidance.pdf .pdf
Careers Policy.pdf .pdf
Code of Conduct SLT.pdf .pdf
Complaints Policy.pdf .pdf
Charges and Remissions Policy.pdf .pdf
CCTV Policy.pdf .pdf
Child Protection Policy.pdf .pdf
Data Breach Policy.pdf .pdf
Data Protection Policy.pdf .pdf
Data Retention and Management Policy.pdf .pdf
Equality Policy.pdf .pdf
Exclusions Policy.pdf .pdf
Examination Policy 2023-24.pdf .pdf
First Aid Policy.pdf .pdf
Health and Safety Policy.pdf .pdf
Inclusion and diversity Code of Conduct - draft2.pdf .pdf
Mental Health and Wellbeing Policy.pdf .pdf
Medical Conditions - Supporting Students at School Oct 2022.pdf .pdf
Provider Access Policy.pdf .pdf
SEND Policy.pdf .pdf
Subject Access Request Policy.pdf .pdf
RSE policy.pdf .pdf

Admissions to Meols Cop High School. 

All formal applications must be made through the local authority:

Sefton Admissions Team
People Directorate
Sefton Council
Town hall
L20 7AE

Website: www.sefton.gov.uk/admissions
Tel: 0151 934 3590

For detailed information regarding admissions criteria, please review the Seftpn Admissions Policy here

In Year Admissions

For parents looking to secure a place for their child during the school year (any year group) you are kindly requested to contact Sefton admissions  to complete the necessary application paperwork via their website.

Sefton in Year Admissions Team can be contacted on 0151 934 3490 or email them iyadmissions@sefton.gov.uk