If a parent/carer would like to speak to a School Nurse during the school holidays, there will be someone on duty (Monday to Friday 9-5). The school nurses can be contacted on the office number 01704 385125 to arrange a time and date to complete a video consultation with you and your child. The leaflet below provides information on accessing the video consultation
If a parent/carer would like to speak to a School Nurse during the school holidays, there will be someone on duty (Monday to Friday 9-5). The school nurses can be contacted on the office number 01704 385125 to arrange a time and date to complete a video consultation with you and your child. The leaflet below provides information on accessing the video consultation
If a parent/carer would like to speak to a School Nurse during the school holidays, there will be someone on duty (Monday to Friday 9-5). The school nurses can be contacted on the office number 01704 385125 to arrange a time and date to complete a video consultation with you and your child. The leaflet below provides information on accessing the video consultation