Drama is more than the study of plays and the performing and adopting of characters, drama teaches us about responsibility, empathy, how to solve problems, to take risks and how to be resilient amongst other key life skills. These mastery of these skills is essential for our students as they move through and beyond Meols Cop.
Subject Leader: Mrs H Robertson
Mission Statement
It is our mission to facilitate our students’ passion and drive whilst ensuring they make progress in both the practical and academic elements of the subject. Drama is not just about studying plays and performing characters. Drama teaches us about responsibility, empathy, how to problem solve, take risks and how to be resilient amongst other key life skills that are essential for our students to master as they move through and beyond Meols Cop. Drama facilitates the study of society and history, whilst teaching our students about relationships and why people make certain choices. Drama is about communication and context. Communication helps our students to better understand one another and the wider world. |
Here are a few things you might want to know:
Students wishing to continue to study drama into key stage 4 will complete the RSL Level 2 Diploma in Creative and Performing Arts.
Why don't you study GCSE drama at KS4?
Since changing to RSL, students grades have increased. The course is much more practical and doesn't have a traditional exam at the end of year 11. The course is completed in chunks and is much more representative of the performing arts industry. Students also really enjoy the course and like the way it is structured.
If someone is struggling what do you do to help?
We providing students with the opportunity to attend intervention sessions, encourage them to attend extra curricular clubs to help boost their confidence and structuring the curriculum so that it is accessible to all.
Click here to view the Curriculum Map
Drama curriculum at Meols Cop High School complies with the Equality Act 2010, the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014 and is accessible for pupil with SEND. Click here to view the SEND Policy.
Updated December 2021
Drama is more than the study of plays and the performing and adopting of characters, drama teaches us about responsibility, empathy, how to solve problems, to take risks and how to be resilient amongst other key life skills. These mastery of these skills is essential for our students as they move through and beyond Meols Cop.
Subject Leader: Mrs H Robertson
Mission Statement
It is our mission to facilitate our students’ passion and drive whilst ensuring they make progress in both the practical and academic elements of the subject. Drama is not just about studying plays and performing characters. Drama teaches us about responsibility, empathy, how to problem solve, take risks and how to be resilient amongst other key life skills that are essential for our students to master as they move through and beyond Meols Cop. Drama facilitates the study of society and history, whilst teaching our students about relationships and why people make certain choices. Drama is about communication and context. Communication helps our students to better understand one another and the wider world. |
Here are a few things you might want to know:
Students wishing to continue to study drama into key stage 4 will complete the RSL Level 2 Diploma in Creative and Performing Arts.
Why don't you study GCSE drama at KS4?
Since changing to RSL, students grades have increased. The course is much more practical and doesn't have a traditional exam at the end of year 11. The course is completed in chunks and is much more representative of the performing arts industry. Students also really enjoy the course and like the way it is structured.
If someone is struggling what do you do to help?
We providing students with the opportunity to attend intervention sessions, encourage them to attend extra curricular clubs to help boost their confidence and structuring the curriculum so that it is accessible to all.
Click here to view the Curriculum Map
Drama curriculum at Meols Cop High School complies with the Equality Act 2010, the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014 and is accessible for pupil with SEND. Click here to view the SEND Policy.
Updated December 2021
Drama is more than the study of plays and the performing and adopting of characters, drama teaches us about responsibility, empathy, how to solve problems, to take risks and how to be resilient amongst other key life skills. These mastery of these skills is essential for our students as they move through and beyond Meols Cop.
Subject Leader: Mrs H Robertson
Mission Statement
It is our mission to facilitate our students’ passion and drive whilst ensuring they make progress in both the practical and academic elements of the subject. Drama is not just about studying plays and performing characters. Drama teaches us about responsibility, empathy, how to problem solve, take risks and how to be resilient amongst other key life skills that are essential for our students to master as they move through and beyond Meols Cop. Drama facilitates the study of society and history, whilst teaching our students about relationships and why people make certain choices. Drama is about communication and context. Communication helps our students to better understand one another and the wider world. |
Here are a few things you might want to know:
Students wishing to continue to study drama into key stage 4 will complete the RSL Level 2 Diploma in Creative and Performing Arts.
Why don't you study GCSE drama at KS4?
Since changing to RSL, students grades have increased. The course is much more practical and doesn't have a traditional exam at the end of year 11. The course is completed in chunks and is much more representative of the performing arts industry. Students also really enjoy the course and like the way it is structured.
If someone is struggling what do you do to help?
We providing students with the opportunity to attend intervention sessions, encourage them to attend extra curricular clubs to help boost their confidence and structuring the curriculum so that it is accessible to all.
Click here to view the Curriculum Map
Drama curriculum at Meols Cop High School complies with the Equality Act 2010, the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014 and is accessible for pupil with SEND. Click here to view the SEND Policy.
Updated December 2021