Welcome to the Meols Cop Family! This page will give you all the information you need as you start your transition from Primary School to Meols Cop High School.
We are really looking forward to meeting you and your families in the coming months and sharing the exciting opportunities we have planned for you at Meols Cop. Over the next few months you will start to receive further information regarding the transition from Year 6 to starting Meols Cop. In the mean time, below is some information you might find useful.
Please note that all communication regarding transition day, your childs form tutor and Meet the Tutor evening have now been communicated to parents / carers. If you have not received any of this information, please contact Mrs Tierney - tierney-j@meolscop.co.uk
If your child was unsuccesful is being allocated a place at Meols Cop and you would like to appeal, this will need to be done direct with Sefton. The school does not have any input or say in the admissions process. Please click here to be directed to the Sefton admissions webpage.