As a parent /carer you play a vital role in supporting your children to develop the employability skills and qualities to set them up for life. We will support them and ensure through our extensive Careers Programme they develop the tools and skills they need to succeed in whatever career path they choose to follow. This page will give you an insight to the programme we offer and some useful links to support you navigate key decisions with your children.


Your children will benefit from a tailored careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) programme throughout their time at Meols Cop High School. This programme is guided by the Gatsby benchmarks and is delivered from Year 7-11

Students will come into contact with Careers, Employability and Enterprise in the following ways:

  • Through a variety of year group assemblies
  • Through their Careers Education programme timetabled during ASPIRE time.
  • Extra curricular opportunities, guest speakers, workplace encounters, college and higer education taster sessions and various timetabled events throughout the year.
  • Career guidance interviews at key transition points of their school journey, for example during GSCE option chocies and post 16 choices.
  • Parents/carers are welcome to speak to the extended careers team, which includes: their child’s form tutor, Head of Year, SENCO or the Careers Lead and Careers Advisor if they have any questions or concerns about their child’s progress and their child’s participation in careers events.
  • Students, parents/carers are entitled to have access to information about the options processes - provided via letter, on the school website, school bulletin published each Friday and on information evenings.
  • Each KS4 student will have at least one individual careers interview with an independent, qualified careers practitioner by the end of KS4.

For more detailed information please refer to the Careers Policy and/or The MCHS Careers Learning Journey.

As a parent or carer you can expect to:

  • Be able to make an appointment with a member of staff or specialist advisor to discuss your son /daughter's progress and future prospects. You can email to arrange this.
  • Have access to tutors, subject teachers, learning partners and specialist advisers
  • Be invited to look at schemes of work, and careers activities, information and resources, using and contributing to them if you wish 
  • Receive invitations to take part in careers and information events.
  • Have the opportunity to comment on the usefulness of the careers programme to you child and how it could be improved. 

If you would like to offer us your feedback please complete this link.

Students can book an appointment with our careers team by using this student referral form

We will keep you updated with Careers News, Opportunities and Events in The Aspire Newsletter and through Classcharts.

Here are some useful links to help you: School University Guide 23-24
Parent Guide Useful Parent Guide  Liverpool City Region Growth Sectors
Amazing Apprenticeship Parent Resources Apprenticeship Parent Guides

Lots of careers information in one place Lots of government information relating to 14-19 opportunities and education Main site for university & college applications Official graduate careers website for UK Useful for Post 18 options Career Connect CV builder App National Careers Service website - search careers and chat to a career’s adviser Labour Market Information Real life career stories and videos to inspire your career Useful for career planning and making the most of your degree course.

National Careers Week

National Careers Week is 4th to 8th March and students have done lots of activities during form time to help them prepare for their future. To help you we're also providing this handy guide which is aimed at parents of teenagers. It provides you with clear, unbiased advice and guidance to help you guide your children towards happy and successful futures by making their best choices at 16 and 18 years old. As always if you have any questions or would like further support please don't hesitate to contact our school careers team