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Students should learn essential aspects of the knowledge, methods, processes and uses of science. They should gain appreciation of how the complex and diverse phenomena of the natural world can be described in terms of a small number of key ideas that relate to the sciences and that are both inter-linked and of universal application.


Subject Leader:  Mr A Wearden 

Teachers: Ms C Duggan, Miss E Barden, Mr P Johnson, Mrs K Reed, Miss S Parkes, Miss L Elliott, Miss R Johnson


Mission Statement 

Using evidence based practice, Students learn powerful knowledge that allows them to have limitless futures. 


Key ideas of the Science Curriculum include:

  • The use of conceptual models and theories to make sense of the observed diversity of
    natural phenomena.
  • The assumption that every effect has one or more cause.
  • That change is driven by differences between different objects and systems when they
  • That many such interactions occur over a distance and over time without direct contact.
  • That science progresses through a cycle of hypothesis, practical experimentation,
    observation, theory development and review.
  • That quantitative analysis is a central element both of many theories and of scientific method of inquiry.
  • Develop scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding through the specific disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics.
  • Develop understanding of the nature, processes and methods of science, through different types of scientific enquiries that help them to answer scientific questions about the world around them.
  • Develop and learn to apply observational, practical, modelling, enquiry and problem-solving skills in the laboratory.
  • Develop their ability to evaluate claims based on science through critical analysis of the methodology, evidence and conclusions, both qualitatively and quantitatively.  

 Here are a few things that you might want to know: 

  • Students in year 7 have 4 hours of Science every week 
  • Every year group receive homework weekly, this is designed to build confidence and memorise scientific concepts 
  • We have two Science technicians who lead curriculum demonstrations 
  • Year 7 (class of 2027) - if they study Combined Science they will leave school with a double GCSE grade 9,9-1.1* whereas if they study Triple Science they will leave school with 3 separate grades in Biology, Chemistry and Physics (Grade 9-1)
  • Setting - all students are sent on entry based on information from primary school. All sets are reviewed regularly throughout the year. 
  • ICT - We have access to a full class set of new laptops
  • Extra Curricular clubs including STEM school and Lego club 
  • Opportunity to be involved in scientific competitions will also be available 
  • Science results at GCSE are always very strong, many students go on to A levels in Science 

*9,9 ,means two grade 9s


How much practical Science will take place? 

Practical activities happen during science lessons when relevant to the content. At least 155 of their GCSE exam contains practical based questions, therefore, your child will definitely have hands on experience of completing experiments. 


What is the difference between Combined Science and Triple Science? 

All science students study Biology, Chemistry and Physics; Triple students study more content in each science, therefore receiving 3 separate GCSEs, it is not an option to choose to study a single Science by itself. 


Click here to view the Science Curriculum Map 

Click here to view the Triple Science Curriculum Map 

Science curriculum at Meols Cop High School complies with the Equality Act 2010, the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014 and is accessible for pupil with SEND. Click here to view the SEND Policy. 

Updated December 2022