Free School Meals 

The Government provides funds to support students in receipt of Free School Meals. If you qualify and register, not only will you be able to access free school meals but the school will also receive additional funding to support students. 

Do I qualify? 

As a Sefton resident, you are eligible for free school meals if you receive any of the following benefits:

  • Income Support
  • Income based Jobseekers Allowance
  • Income related Employment and Support Allowance
  • Child Tax  Credit ONLY (not entitled/receiving Working Tax Credit) and have an income of less that £16190.00
  • Guaranteed element of State Pension Credit
  • Working Tax Credit run-on (paid for the four weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit)
  • Universal Credit and have a net household income of less than £7400 per annum (£616.67 net per month)
  • Support under VI of the Immigration & Asylum Act

As a school community, we are keen to ensure that all students receive the levels of support they are entitled to. Please do not hesitate to contact a member of the school’s administrative team if you require any further information or support. 

What do you do now?

Please contact the Pupil Support Section on 0151 934 3263/3246 who will check your eligibility and if eligible your details will be taken and your children will be put on free school meals within the week.  Alternatively you can complete form B1 and send to the address stated below or complete the e-application form:  

Please only apply if your child is not receiving Free School Meals. 

When will the free school meals start?

Applications received during the summer holidays will start receiving a free school meal on the first day of term, if your application is received after this date it will processed within the week. Free school meals are not normally backdated, however if you feel that you have exceptional circumstance please contact us.

Do I need to supply proof to support my application?

NO PROOF IS REQUIRED – Your entitlement will be checked automatically – you may be asked for proof at a later date if we are unable to determine if you are eligible or not.

 Please remember to inform Sefton of any changes that may affect your claim.

School Admissions & Pupil Support Section, Town Hall, Bootle L20 7AE   Tel: 0151 934 3263/3246. Email: