Click here to download the Year 9 Options Booklet

This booklet provides you with information about all of the Key Stage 4 courses that are available in school from September 2022.

The first few pages contain general information and advice. There then follows a section with information about each subject. Subjects described in Part 2 are ‘core compulsory’. All students must study these subjects.

Part 3 contains details of all of the other optional subjects and they should choose 3 of these.
Each option course chosen this year covers 2 years’ work and we expect that once they have chosen to study a subject, all students will complete the full course.

Students and their parents/carers should read the information carefully and take time to determine the best combination of subjects.

Important Dates
- Thursday 24th February 2022: Year 9 Options Information and Parents’ Evening 4pm-7pm
- Friday 4th March 2022: Completed option preference forms submitted electronically
- Friday 22nd April 2022: Option choices finalised

To our Students
This is a very important stage of your education. The decisions you make now could affect the opportunities open to you in the future, so read this information thoroughly, listen carefully to the subject teachers in ASPIRE and think carefully about the choices you are going to make. Also, ask for advice from those in a position to help you - your parents/carers, your teachers and the careers lead Miss Paxton and of course, your Learning Tutor - they all want the best for you.

When making your choices, be realistic. Here are some points to help you:
· Do choose subjects that you are passionate about, that you enjoy and/or interest you;
· Do choose subjects because you like them and not because your friend has chosen them;
· Do seek advice and help if in any doubt.

Finally, please remember that the choices you make will not always necessarily be possible. If too few students choose a subject then it will be unlikely to run and if a subject is oversubscribed then the numbers will need to be limited.

However, we will do our very best to satisfy all choices.

For our Parents/Carers
Please help and encourage your child in making their choices and feel free to ask the school for help and advice.

However, please remember that it is your child who has to do the studying for the next two years and choices made unwillingly may prove problematic. You might have high hopes of them becoming a fighter pilot, neurosurgeon or electrician, a beautician, hairdresser or nurse, a successful investment banker or even a teacher, but is this what they really want?